While washing getting holes in new clothes can frustrate anyone. If you are too suffering from this, believe me, this blog is completely for you. Clothes tearing issue arises mainly in front-loading machines. Therefore, our write-up focuses on such machines. But, we highlighted the common problem in other washing machine models too.
- Washing machine Seal damage
- Washing machine Latches
- Washing machine Overloading
- Washing machine Bleach
- Washing machine Drum Damage
- Washing machine Fasteners
Washing machine Seal damage
Front loading washing machines are characterised by a largest rubber gasket that helps to shut the door while washing. But, if such seal gets worn or damaged, your clothes found difficulty between the drum to rotate and lead to damage. If you are doubtful about the issue, check out the drum seal and replace it with a new one. This will save clothes from being damaged.
Washing machine Latches
Every machine contains latches which are placed above the level of clothing. In front-loading machines, there are high chances of clothes catches by these latches if they are kept uncovered. So, check out your washing machine latches and call you nearby repair company to fix that issue. Like if you are using GE washing machine search on the internet with Ge washing machine repair nearby will provide you with the relevant solution.
Washing Machine Overloading
Overloading is the biggest blunder and a major cause for holes in clothes. Overloading restricts the machine to wash clothes properly and fraction can create holes in them. Therefore as per manufacturer’s instruction always add load prescribed by them and do not forget to put an adequate quantity of water in it. Finally, check out your washing machine size to save your clothes from damaging and to prolong machine life.
Washing Machine Bleach
Bleach is another major cause of holes in clothes. This happens mainly when your clothes come in contact with bleach directly. Sometimes, bleach discolour your clothes or weaken the edge. To avoid this, always ensure bleach must be dissolved in water before came in contact with laundry.
Washing machine Drum Damage
Adding sharp objects in the laundry is the major causes of the damaging drum. Therefore, while adding clothes in laundry always check pockets and take out sharp objects like keys, coins and other objects from it. As the sharp object can damage your clothes and if they stuck into any part of the machine can lead to sewer damage. You may need to call the repairman and cut your pocket.
Washing Machine Fasteners
Open zips and hooks ara major cause to caught clothes with one another during the spinning process. Therefore, make sure jeans and jackets zip must be closed. Hooked clothes must be washed in a laundry bag and keep the suspicious object like pins, buckle, other ornaments away from clothes that can become a reason for holes.
Bottom Line
Hope, the above-mentioned points help you to find a valid cause for your clothes damaging in washing machines. Some of them are simple and easy to handle. After considering the above causes and solutions, if your machine continues to damage your clothes. Then do not hesitate to call a professional repairman. Keep in mind, always be sure that a person must be offering services for your brand also. Like to repair GE washing machine, call only a experienced Ge Washing Machine Repair in Montreal or near by your city to get good results.